Sustainability About Us Press
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Global Compliance

The roles of the Global Compliance Division, among others, include the definition of internal policies, jointly with other units, with the aim of preventing regulatory and reputational risks. In addition, this Division is responsible of complying with regulatory requirements in order to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Additionally, is in charge of implementing certain policies and procedures that have been defined upon the merger between Banco de Chile and Citibank, addressing several subjects such as prevention of insider trading, corruption, fiduciary duties, conflict of interest and others.

The Division has an independent role and reports directly to the Anti-Money Laundering Committee. It is responsible for Banco de Chile and its subsidiaries.

Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy

Banco de Chile has an Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy adopted by the Board of Directors, including roles and responsibilities, committee structures and certain procedures addressing matters such as decision-making, know your customer, monitoring and reporting to the Chilean Financial Analysis Unit, all of which have been established to ensure compliance with regulations concerning the subject matter.

Declaración anti lavado de Dinero
Política sobre Personas Expuestas Políticamente (PEP)
Certificado W8 BEN E
The Wolfsberg Group Anti Money Laundering Questionnaire
Certification Regarding Correspondent Accounts for Foreign Banks

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Infórmese sobre la garantía estatal de los depósitos en su banco o en © 2020 Banco de Chile. Todos los Derechos Reservados. Banco de Chile es el emisor de la tarjeta de crédito Travel Club y Entel Visa, siendo el prestador de los servicios bancarios asociados a estas. Infórmese sobre la garantía estatal de los depósitos en su banco o en © 2020 Banco de Chile. Todos los Derechos Reservados. Queda prohibido, salvo en los casos en que expresamente Banco de Chile lo autorice, establecer enlaces, hipervínculos o links, desde portales o sitios web de terceros a páginas web del Banco, distintas de la página principal de su portal, accesible en la dirección URL, o la que le sustituya en el futuro, así como presentar las páginas web de Banco de Chile o la información contenida en ellas bajo frames o marcos, signos distintivos, marcas o denominaciones sociales o comerciales de otra persona, empresa o entidad.